Create and maintain peace & positivity for yourself & your kids.

  • We’ll provide my proven step-by-step ‘co-parenting plan checklist’ - so you remain in control, reduce anxiety and can support happy & healthy children.

  •  We’ll help you design the best custody flow & schedules to save your sanity and allow you to be engaged with your children and productive when apart.

  • We’ll help you answer your kids’ toughest questions about your divorce while honouring your new family dynamic.

  • We’ll help you draft your co-parenting vision statement that will continue to inspire you & motivate you even if your ex is difficult AF.

  • Contact information

    Billing address

    Payment information

    You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


    Co-Parenting Checklist

    Everything you need to do & know  to Co-Parent Well

    Custody Flows

    Schedule considerations, adapting family transitions & handling messaging between homes

    Kid Talk

    How to use intentional language to foster a positive experience and answer tough questions

    Transition Day Ease

    How to positively reframe less time with your children

    • Total payment
    • 1xThe Peaceful Co-Parenting Plan$27

    All prices in USD
